1) Everyone’s definition of success is different. It could be fame, money, purpose. Find your own.
2) You cannot always expect people to think from your level of understanding. Sometimes it takes a life time equivalent of experiences to get there.
3) Jealousy, I believe is a wasteful emotion. We all have different timelines and life always evens out in the end.
4) Do not be egotistic when it comes to learning. Learn from every opportunity you get. Your mentors, colleagues, patients. They are a blessing.
5) Not everyone is a friend. Let go off people who seek every opportunity to highlight your weaknesses. Mutual respect is a must for a healthy relationship.
6) Vengeance for your imagined hypothetical reasons is not cool. We are all pitted against each other whether we like it or not. That’s how the game of life is played. It’s nobody’s fault.
7) It’s alright to live your life your own way. You do not owe anyone an explanation. Make it happy and fulfilling(whatever your definition of that is).
8) Not all of life’s decisions need to be analyzed scientifically and clinically. Follow your heart at times.
9) Do not seek everybody’s validation. Your opinion about yourself is all that matters. Be honest about it and build on it.
10) Always hold people who have been there for you, close to your heart.
11) Cherish your memories. Don’t be stuck in them though. Let go and move on.
12) Maybe being deceitful comes with it’s perks. Honesty and loyalty will always remain under-rated. It takes more courage than the former.
14) If they do not allow you the freedom of a conducive and dignified environment to grow, they probably do not have your best interests at heart irrespective how well they sell their so called ’good intentions’.
15) Do not treat somebody else’s kid in a way different than how you would treat your own flesh and blood. Everybody deserves the same love , kindness and opportunities.
16) No, happiness isn’t the absence of unhappiness. If you choose to pound down the idea of happiness to a pulp so much so that the non existence of it’s negation is how you define it, you might as well choose to flat line.
17) People will vent their frustration on you without bothering to find the truth. Most people need a release. Finding the truth is cumbersome and inconvenient.
18) Whoever said truth is stranger than fiction couldn’t be more correct. You can have a cover story for image sakes but only the truth gives one closure.(for the soul’s sake)
19) Only the one’s slightly delusional to believe that they can change the world, usually do. That is why very few do.
20) If you are not good at something, but something you are genuinely interested in, you can always learn it. It doesn’t make you less capable. Many a times, mastery is about the amount of time you invest in it.
21) If you aren’t sure if a person is right or wrong, choose to be kind. You can never go wrong with that.
22) Love is always a choice. Most often, the other person’s choice. As long as they choose to be with you and loyal to you, be with them. If they ever feel the need to leave, let go. Letting go is love too. You should be able to take a NO just as well you take a YES. As I said, the choice always belongs to your better half.
23) Possessiveness is just added stress. People will eventually be true to their core value system. Loyalty will prevail irrespective of how much freedom it is given and so will debauchery irrespective of how much you confine it.
24) We do live in a dystopian world. However, being utopian in the same is not some crime. It does not necessitate correction or re-conditioning. It is just the way some people know to be. It is what comes naturally to them.
25) The only way to know if a person is trustworthy is to first trust them. More like a philosophical analogy for the Schrodinger's cat.
26) The truth should never be punished. It may be inconvenient for some but the same could be life altering for someone else.
27) To get a friend, you have to start by being one.
28) You only need to learn one new thing everyday. In 365 days, you learn 365 new things.
29) Sometimes maturity comes only with age . Until then, it’s all fun and games. There is a difference between egotistical immaturity and innocence. Know it.
30) Maybe the universe does conspire after all to make happen whatever desires you throw at it. It just takes an awful lot of time, patience and immense effort.
31) Even at war, know your boundaries.
32) Set boundaries and learn to say ‘NO’. Learn to disagree or refuse politely.
33) Truth has a power of its own. A life of deceit will always keep the power dynamics tilted in favor of your opponent.
34) If you go around believing that you are less deserving, people around you will be sure to remind you of the same. When somebody says you are incapable of something, they are reminding you of their shortcomings.
35) Like they say, there are no free lunches. When something is free, you are the product.(…..from the Social dilemma).
36) Ignorance is bliss. The truth however catches up sooner or later.
37) Why is it so damn difficult to live and let live ? When did,’ minding your own business’ become such a lost art?
38) If chivalry is too much to ask for, start with basic decency.
39) You do not need a lot of people to help you get through life. You just need the few right ones.
40) We should be able to choose our family. It shouldn’t be based on genetics alone. Our well wishers should make our family.
41) You do not have to necessarily like people to work with them. You only need to be sincere with your job. Friends at the work place are a bonus, being civil to your colleagues is work ethics.
41) It baffles me that ignominy most often focuses on the ‘female’ in the equation irrespective of the fallacy of their male counterpart. As though the burden of the sanctity of a relationship is a cross to be borne by just the women. The act should be termed ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. Not the gender.
42) Do not expect the one’s who broke you, to fix you.
43) If you want to be trusted, make your words consistent and make your actions reflect them.
44) I am not scared of death, both literally and figuratively. I, do not however like the idea of death/being lifeless. I just do not know how not to look forward to life.
45) The more powerful and influential you become, the more humble and approachable you should be. If you choose to put yourself on a pedestal for everyone else to worship from a distance, you are failing the very people who hoisted you up there. (Lessons I learned from shoddy leadership and also great leadership)
46) If you want to have a superpower, make it ‘indifference’. Indifferent to the naysayers, indifferent to praise and all the noise around. Very few people, things and opinions really matter.
47) Will vote for nurture over nature any day. A lot of how you are is how you train yourself to be, the people you surround yourself with and the events you take inspiration from. However, if the two come together, you have a genius.
48) When you compare two players, make sure the playing field is equal. Both have equal advantages/dis-advantages, equal opportunities, equal control over their faculties. That is how you recognize true talent.
49) I seldom regret anything in life. I am not saying, I am always happy about how things play out but I always learn and grow from people I meet or places I have been in. They have always made me a better/wiser person. I guess that’s true for most people. It’s what you take out of a situation than the situation itself.
50) Spend time on your hobbies. You need not be good at them but they help take your mind off the chatter and the mundane that weighs you down.
51) Long working hours do not equal productivity. Even if you love your work, have a work life balance. The work you do is not extremely important unless you are the only person who can do it. Do not let your ego tell you otherwise.
52) Don’t turn into somebody’s pawn. People have their agendas. Put your foot down if you have to.
53) We are all a part of the same game plan. Being a celebrity does not make you more or less important.
54) When you are right, do not be scared.
55) I am highly intuitive. It’s one of my strengths. I do not let it overtake reason or logic but my soul has a way of leading me to the answers I seek.
56) There is a fine line between challenges and cruelty, between disciplining and abuse, between joking and bullying, between chastising and condescension, between shaping and breaking a person. The former helps build character and the latter reveals yours.