Of Births and re-births
In the stillness, the darkness I soundly cuddled,
Away from the troubles, I safely nestled,
I swam, I played and made merry.
I hoped this is how it would always be.
But like a storm after the endless silence,
It shook me from my blissful existence,
Dragging me rudely from my world of solitude,
Alas! The pain endured of untold magnitude.
As I made my way through, slow and painful,
I rushed through flesh and blood unmindful,
Like a soldier at war, gallantly I fought,
Oh! What would await me ahead?
I grimaced, I thought.
At the end of the tunnel and the long fight,
I saw hope, I saw a ray of light.
I had coursed the journey, safe and brave,
Into a new world, all alone and naïve.
The light blinded me,
A hustle of voices welcomed me,
I blinked my eyes, I kicked my legs,
Into the alien world,
My first few steps.
By my little feet, I was hung upside down,
Confused and shocked, in the topsy turvy town,
A pat on my back, I let out a shrill,
My first breath of life,
I felt a magical thrill.
Neither my deafening cry nor my shattering shriek,
Had evoked sympathy or the slightest squeak,
Only sounds of joy and laughter roared,
I was throbbing with life,
A voice assured.
I was bathed and cleaned with the gentlest touch,
Oh! The first drop trickled, I liked not much.
Besides an angel I was safely perched,
A known face, a known smile,
Amongst the crowd I searched.
Two lovely eyes looked into mine,
It glistened with divinity of a holy shrine.
Flooding with joy and fathomless love,
She’s your mother, said the gods above.
A wave of emotions filled my heart,
Was it joy, peace?
No, it was something apart.
A never known before, a soothing vibe,
How blessed I felt, words fail to describe.
The priceless gift we ever receive,
Is the gift of life our angels give.
This is to them with love,
A little girl’s tribute.