Okay firstly, You need to add a few prepositions and conjunctions to your writeup. This is respectfully very painful to read.
Can you really blame the current govt for everything that happened 5000 years ago? What makes you think that the minorities here are unhappy? They probably have more leeway than what they would have anywhere else in the world. Respectfully ask the minorities if they want to leave our country for the neighboring Pakistan or Bangladesh or any other and you will get a firm No! They are safer here than anywhere else in the world. In fact our neighbors are paying dearly for the mistakes that our forefathers made during partition. Their economy is in shambles, they do not ever have a stable govt. They have a military dictatorship. All they get is a lot of US backed funding for terrorism. Even the Jewish people prefer India to migrating to their holy land. This is one country that has never persecuted them. And untouchables? It is abhorrent to use that term in the present India. Are you generalizing what happens in a select few pockets to the vast majority?
This is the problem. You pick up some narrative from somewhere and project it as the truth.
Even if things did go wrong historically which we had no much control over, do you not think it is the time to set things right and not play more divisive politics?
I am not going to mince words here, but it is common knowledge today that the funding for terrorism comes from the West. The narrative building stems from the west. The rubbish indices like Happiness score blah blah comes from the west. Happiness index? Really? How are countries with high suicide rates the happiest? Do they not account for people who kick their buckets?
So, I would like to take everything they dish out and everything their loyalists dish out with not a handful but a bagful of salt.
You need to study India a little better and have facts to back your claim.