…to be continued.
Terrified and shuddering,
In a turmoil of angst,
Seething, struggling,
finding meaning.
A lone wolf in the chaos
of the wilderness,
fighting demons lurking
both in the shadows outside
and within.
My mind like a freight train
running across the windy pastures
tearing it’s way
through the rubble and the marshes.
Blowing a dust storm up
clouding my senses,
and my very existence.
Along the way,
letting go off love and relations
both alive and not
with teary goodbyes and a heavy heart
onto the next destination.
Sleepless nights and anxious days
My heart thumping, my hair on edge
A tad too fast, what’s the haste?
Today, tomorrow, everyday.
Hurting and hating it all along,
but taking the ride nonetheless.
Collecting along the journey
little fine moments
of beauty and solace,
like the dainty pretty pebbles
from amongst the rubble.
Every waking moment
as the years clocked,
with no one to ask
and no one to riddle,
yet saddled with the task
of finding the pattern lost
in the cosmic chaos
solely from wisdom gathered
with every dice tossed.
Then, one fine day
from the shadows and the ruins
the pieces built itself up.
As I looked on
in both anger and awe
willing to do or die
but never give up.
Scared no more, my story replete;
it all fit together,
the portrait complete.
My mind had finally eased,
for the first time
since the clock at three had ceased.
Like the freight train slowing down,
The rubble falling in place
The blades of grass aligning it selves
The sun shimmering
through the trickle of rain.
As I forced my eyes open
to the view outside,
split open in all its opulence
were the colors splattered across the sky.
The heavens had bowed
and I had found my place
the one I yearned and deserved
in His divine abode.
And He turned the pages thus,
for my story to be re written.
This poem is like a sequel to ‘The divine masterpiece’ a poem I wrote in my late teens, the first one I ever wrote. After twenty years, the story is ….to be continued.